How to Handle Challenges in Your NDIS Plan with Support Coordination

Navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be overwhelming, especially when challenges arise in managing your plan. Support coordination is a service designed to assist NDIS participants in understanding and implementing their plans effectively. By working with a support coordinator, participants can address and overcome challenges to achieve their goals. 

This article will explore the role of support coordination, common challenges faced by NDIS participants, and how to leverage support coordination to handle these challenges effectively.

Understanding Support Coordination

Support coordination is a vital service within the NDIS framework. A support coordinator helps participants understand their NDIS plans, connect with appropriate services, and build capacity to manage their supports independently. By linking with support coordination, participants can ensure they are making the most of their NDIS funding.

The Role of a Support Coordinator

A support coordinator assists with:

  • Understanding and implementing the NDIS plan
  • Connecting with NDIS-registered service providers
  • Coordinating various supports and services
  • Building capacity for independence
  • Navigating service agreements and NDIS processes
  • Supporting plan review and addressing change in circumstances.

Common Challenges in NDIS Plans

Accessing Appropriate Services

One of the most common challenges NDIS participants face is accessing the right services. This can be due to a lack of information, difficulty navigating the NDIS portal, or a shortage of available services in their area. A support coordinator can assist in identifying and connecting with suitable providers, ensuring that participants receive the necessary support.

Understanding the NDIS Plan

Many participants struggle to understand their NDIS plan, including what supports are funded and how to utilise the funding effectively. A support coordinator can help break down the plan into manageable components, providing clarity on how to use the allocated funds.

Managing NDIS Funding

Effective management of NDIS funding is crucial to ensure that participants receive the maximum benefit from their plans. Mismanagement can lead to insufficient funds for essential services. A support coordinator can assist in budgeting and monitoring expenditures, ensuring that funds are used appropriately throughout the plan period.

Addressing Changes in Circumstances

Life changes such as health fluctuations, moving house, or changes in support needs can impact an NDIS plan. A support coordinator helps participants navigate these changes, ensuring that their plan remains relevant and effective.

How Support Coordination Helps Overcome Challenges

Personalised Support

Support coordinators provide support tailored to the unique needs of each participant. This approach ensures that challenges are addressed , and participants receive the best support.

Building Capacity

One of the primary goals of support coordination is to build the participant’s capacity to manage their supports independently. This includes developing skills such as budgeting, decision-making, and understanding NDIS processes. By empowering participants, support coordinators help them become more self-reliant.

Coordinating Services

Effective coordination of services is essential for the success of an NDIS plan. Support coordinators ensure that all services are aligned and working towards the participant’s goals, preventing overlap and gaps in support.

FAQs About Support Coordination

What is Support Coordination?

Support coordination is a service that helps NDIS participants understand and implement their NDIS plans, connect with appropriate services, and build capacity for managing their supports independently.

How Do I Get Support Coordination in My NDIS Plan?

Support coordination is included in your NDIS plan based on your individual needs. During your planning meeting, discuss your need for support coordination with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIS planner.

What Should My Support Coordinator Do?

Your support coordinator should help you understand your NDIS plan, connect with service providers, coordinate your supports, build your capacity for independence, and assist with plan reviews and changes in circumstances.

How Can Support Coordination Help with Complex Needs?

Support coordinators are experienced in managing complex needs and can help participants access specialized services and support. They ensure that all services are coordinated and aligned with the participant’s goals.

Can I Change My Support Coordinator?

Yes, you can change your support coordinator if you are not satisfied with the service. Discuss your concerns with your support coordinator or contact your LAC or NDIS planner for assistance in finding a new support coordinator.


Handling challenges in your NDIS plan can be daunting, but with the help of support coordination, you can navigate these challenges effectively. Support coordinators provide personalized support, build your capacity for independence, and ensure that all services are coordinated to meet your goals. By leveraging support coordination, you can make the most of your NDIS plan and achieve your desired outcomes.