List Of Things Not To Forget When You’re In A New Home

Moving into a new home can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. Amidst the excitement, it’s easy to overlook some crucial administrative tasks that are essential to ensure a smooth transition and comfortable living. Here’s a comprehensive checklist of things to remember when settling into a new home, designed to keep your move organized and stress-free.

  1. Update Your Address
    One of the first administrative tasks when moving into a new home is updating your address. Notify the postal service to forward your mail and update your address with:
  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Insurance providers
  • Employers
  • Subscription services
  • Family and friends
  • Government agencies (such as the DMV and Electoral Roll)
  1. Transfer Utilities
    Before you move, arrange the transfer of essential utilities to avoid any interruption in services. This includes:
  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Internet and cable services

Make sure to also schedule final readings in your old home to ensure accurate billing.

  1. Register for Local Services
    Depending on your location, you may need to register for local services. This might include:
  • Waste collection and recycling services
  • Water services, if not previously set up during the utility transfer
  • Local community services, such as libraries or community centers
  • Find a new general practitioner (GP) and dentist, such as, in your area and transfer your medical records.
  • Locate specialists or other healthcare providers such as therapists and pediatricians if applicable.
  1. Home Insurance
    Ensure your home insurance is in place and updated to reflect your new address. This is crucial for protection against theft, damage, and other potential issues. Review your policy details to ensure adequate coverage for the property and the contents within.
  2. Safety Checks
    Perform safety checks around your new home:
  • Test all smoke detectors and replace batteries if necessary.
  • Check carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Ensure that fire extinguishers are in place and not expired.
  • Evaluate the security of all locks on doors and windows and replace them if necessary for added security.
  1. Emergency Services
    Familiarize yourself with the local emergency services:
  • Locate the nearest hospital, police station, and fire station.
  • Learn the non-emergency contact numbers for local services.
  • Introduce yourself to neighbors and exchange contact information for emergency situations.
  1. Local Regulations
    Understand local regulations, which could include:
  • Parking restrictions and permits.
  • Property tax requirements.
  • Homeowner association rules (if applicable).
  1. Maintenance Contracts
    If your new home has systems like HVAC, security, or a pool, check if there are existing maintenance contracts. Decide whether to continue with these services or look for new service providers.
  2. Update Legal Documents
    Make sure all legal documents reflect your new address. This includes:
  • Driver’s license
  • Vehicle registration
  • Voter registration
  • Legal identification documents
  1. School Registration
    If you have children, arrange for their transfer and registration at new schools. Obtain records from their previous schools and meet with teachers or administrators to ensure a smooth transition.
  2. Review Local Amenities and Transport
    Get to know your new area:
  • Identify public transportation options.
  • Locate major amenities such as supermarkets, pharmacies, parks, and gyms.
  • Explore local entertainment venues, restaurants, and social spots.
  1. Plan a Housewarming
    Once settled, consider hosting a housewarming party to meet neighbors and start building a community network. It’s a great way to feel at home and make connections in a new environment.

Taking care of these administrative tasks when moving into a new home not only ensures that you are well-prepared but also helps in reducing the stress typically associated with moving. You can enjoy a smoother transition into your new home and community by methodically addressing each point on this list.